Discover Fibromyalgia's Full Resolution!
For those reading this site it is imperative to understand that we are fully resolving
fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and are documenting these results with
orthopedic surgeon Dr. Leonard Knell. (see Physician's Research)
These people are able to return to full activity without restrictions.
This includes participating in physical activities and sports, becoming free of
medications prescribed for these conditions, and becoming symptom free.
Full Resolution of Fibromyalgia
I have succeeded in resolving these conditions by understanding their cause. Because I have found that stress is the primary cause of these conditions, I provide clients with tools to address the stress. (see Resources). The brain and the body
are overloaded with stress in people with CFIDS and fibromyalgia. This is why conventional
therapies aren't successful in resolving these cases. As an example,
massage therapy (NMT) is essential and the core of our program, but alone, it is
insufficient for full resolution. However, it is sufficient when NMT is combined with neurological information from Dr's. Kurt and Court Vreeland. Additionally, I share with clients the knowledge of how
to maintain their health at a high level for the rest of their lives. If someone
overextends himself or herself, we teach them to do self-treatment with massage
and to allow them to rebalance their neurological system and restore
their health. Without this process, full resolution cannot be achieved.
My purpose in developing this web site is to help educate others and give people
hope. Most clients continue to come to me for long periods of time for
maintenance sessions once their heath concerns have been eliminated. Therefore,
I have only a few openings for those who wish to have an appointment. Please help me find
neuromuscular massage therapists I can share this information with so we can help many more people. One
of the best ways to help is to contact other therapists, and also to call massage
schools in your area, talk to those in charge of the schools and inform them of
my work. I can be reached at 330-491-0544 or by email at