Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Massage

Jones, along with a local orthopedic surgeon, is currently documenting full resolution of fibromyalgia and CFS treatment. His approach is explained as follows:

First,  utilize research from consults with Dr. Vreeland's bank of tools to know where to apply neuromuscular therapy. For example, most information to the brain comes for the left side of the body with the cervical area having the most capacity with the soft tissue of the face and the costal area (ribs) having the second most. Releasing these tissues allows good signals (A's) to be sent to the brain rather than bad ones (C's) so the body can return to normal function (homeostasis.) Then decrease the soft tissue pain with neuromuscular therapy, thereby decreasing the activity of the C fibers.

Second, facilitate the anterior (front) to posterior (back) movement of the cervical vertebrae. This helps restore the cervical curve and returns the movement within the full range of motion of each individual cervical vertebrae, taking the pressure off of the spinal column, and maximizing mechanoreception. This is accomplished with a technique developed by Michael Jones called the Jones Hyperextension Intersegmental Technique (JHIST).

Third, further balance other areas of the body which will now respond to neuromuscular therapy because the central integrated state (balance of inhibitory and excititory signals) of the central nervous system has been normalized utilizing the knowledge gained from Dr. Vreeland.

Fourth, teach people to recognize the body's signals (gas gauge) in order to understand when they are taking more from their bodies than they are putting back. These are called monitoring methods. These unprecedented techniques are done each and every day, because regaining our health happens each and every day of our lives. A few examples are: AM heart rate, axillary temperature, morning perception, number of hours of sleep, evening perception of amount of stress in the day (life count units). Mastering these monitoring methods is a vital ingredient to resolving these conditions. Without them full resolution cannot be expected.

Fifth, it is interesting to see the very significant improvement of those who chose to engage in a liver and colon cleansing program. Our typical unhealthy American diet and the overwhelming amount of chemicals we ingest and utilize with our cleansing products is a real concern. Some of the improvements we have had with those who chose to use these options would not have happened unless this path was taken. I share these opportunities and research with those who have this interest.

In summary, with fibromyalgia and CFS, the pain signals are overwhelming the brain (CNS) and the proper signals are not getting through to the brain. By restoring the proper curvature and movement of the neck and alleviate the nerve compression in other areas of the body, more of the good signals can get through to the brain. With this accomplished on a daily basis, the nervous system's memories of injuries (facilitated pathways) will become dim memories. Although these memories never go away entirely, the dysfunction will go away if the memories remain dim. People can expect to become pain and dysfunction free, have an increase of energy, and return to a normal lifestyle.

Researched by Michael Jones, BA Psychology, Neuromuscular Massage therapist
In May of 1988, Michael Jones suffered a severe bicycle accident and was diagnosed with an incurable condition, including a 35-50% permanent disability. Michael's 10 year search for answers to his condition parallels the "Hero's Journey" story, where the hero descends into darkness, suffers, learns from his suffering, and re-emerges with wisdom and a gift that he brings to the world. This search led Michael to develop JHIST-Jones Hyperextension Intersegmental Technique. He can be reached at (330) 498-0544 or on the web at
1. Buskila, et al., Arthritis and Rheumatism 40(3):446-452, March 1997.
2. Specificity and the Law of Facilitation in the Nervous System by James F. Vannerson, and Dorland, The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary.
3. Dorland, The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 21st edition, W.B. Saunders Co.. Philadelphia. See under law.
4. The Stress of Life by Hans Selye.
5. Edward Freidrich Wilhelm Pfluger, German Physiologist, 1829-1910.
6. Bonica, J.J., The Management of Pain, Lea and Feibger, Philadelphia 1953.
7. Hardy, James D., Wolf, Harold G., Goodell, Helen, Pain Sensations and Reactions, William and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1952, p. 177
8. Speransky, op. cit., pp. 118, 1107.
9. Dr. Vreeland is a chiropractor in Vermont, who is board certified in neurology and applied kinesiology and is board eligible in orthopedics. He is a Diplomat of the International College of Applied Kinesiology and a Diplomat in the American College of Chiropractic Neurology. He also serves as the team physician for the U.S. Olympic Ski team. Neuromuscular Therapy Update, Vol. V Issue.
10. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Balch and Balch.
11. Tortora and Grabowski, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Edition, 1993, p.445.
12. Michael Jones, BA, MT. Developed the JHIST method of therapy.

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